ILFI‘s prime concern is to identify and stimulate collective growth opportunities, and enable holistic efficiencies across the Infrastructure Industry And Logistics Federation of India. ILFI aims to bring together the experts, intellectuals, business leaders, and all those who are directly associated with these sectors. ILFI is committed to becoming a fountainhead of innovative ideas and practical policy approaches by forging strong public-private partnerships. In addition, ILFI will act as a catalyst by triggering quantum leaps in the qualitative growth and performance of these sectors.

ILFI aims to unite dynamic minds in every sphere of life to resurrect and reinvigorate the confidence in India’s growth potential. It will also identify and implement solutions that catapult India to a sustainable higher growth trajectory.


ILFI will strive to achieve the following objectives:

  • ILFI will make representations on behalf of the members of the Federation, and establish liaison with the Important and necessary data, and Information pertaining to the issues affecting the Infrastructure, construction, and logistic business will be provided to the members.
  • Provide to the members, important and necessary data/information pertaining to the issues affecting the Infrastructure, construction, and logistics sectors.We promote infrastructure, logistics, construction, and allied industries and businesses in their growth and development, by projecting their policy needs, market opportunities, and synergistic growth potential. We will represent them and act as their spokesperson at appropriate forums and in the media, and enable them to work together, in the best national interest, by developing harmonious working relationship among all.
  • Propagate realistic perspectives and viewpoints among public, local bodies, government authorities/institutions, or any public body, for promoting the collective interest of the members. ILFI will ascertain views of the persons connected with the issues concerned, and facilitate interaction with government policy-makers, experts, opinion-makers, and similar businesses in other countries.
  • Promote infrastructure, logistics, construction, and allied industries/ businesses in their growth and development, by projecting their policy needs, market opportunities, and synergistic growth potential. ILFI will act as their spokesperson and represent them at appropriate forums/media, and enable them to work together in the best national interest.
  • Create, develop, and implement standards, expertise, and a common knowledge pool in the areas of infrastructure, logistics, and construction. ILFI aims to facilitate faster growth, and capitalize on the collective contributions of national development by integrating industries, businesses, institutions, and organizations.